How Ultrasound supports the COVID-19 patient journey from entry to recovery

From the community to the ED to the ICU.

Learn about the role of #POCUS, Lung ultrasound (LUS) and Cardiac ultrasound in the #COVID19 patient journey by watching the replay of the webinar brought to you by Dr. Wilkinson 

He is addressing the role of point of care ultrasound in the COVID-19 patient journey from the community to the emergency department to the ICU. 

Hear valuable insights from Dr. Wilkinson and learn about what to look for when assessing patients with this disease.


Lung Ultrasound Pearls
01:28 min

Lung Ultrasound Pearls

Dr. Ashley Miller

Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound- Guided Biopsies at Odense University Hospital
04:03 min

Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound- Guided Biopsies at Odense University Hospital

Prof. Christian B. Laursen

L’évaluation des fonctions VD et VG : aller plus loin que l’évaluation visuelle.
41:39 min

L’évaluation des fonctions VD et VG : aller plus loin que l’évaluation visuelle.

Prof. Laurent Muller

La ecografía en el tratamiento y seguimiento de paciente con dolor
04:24 min

La ecografía en el tratamiento y seguimiento de paciente con dolor

Dr. Alejandro Ortega

Echographie clinique du patient aigu & thrombose :  De la suspicion de thrombose veineuse prodonde à l'embolie pulmonaire grave
55:36 min

Echographie clinique du patient aigu & thrombose : De la suspicion de thrombose veineuse prodonde à...

Prof. Laurent Muller

De la décompensation cardiaque au choc cardiogégique
01:05:11 h

De la décompensation cardiaque au choc cardiogégique

Prof. Xavier Bobbia