Airway Ultrasound

Airway Ultrasound of the Cricothyroid Membrane

Performing ultrasound scanning is a quick and easy diagnostic tool that shows you real-time images of the airway. This is extremely beneficial for medical professionals as it can help identify vocal cord dysfunction and pathology while also assessing the airway size, be able to determine the right diameter of endotracheal and tracheostomy tubes without the need of invasion techniques. 
In this video, Dr. Jonny Wilkinson, a Consultant in Intensive Care and Anaesthesia, focuses on identifying the cricothyroid membrane. This is extremely important for medical professionals if emergency airway access needs to be performed, using ultrasound to accurately determine where the cricothyroid membrane is to avoid any mistakes. 

Watch a live demonstration on using Ultrasound Scanning to assess the airway - more specifically the cricothyroid membrane. 


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