GE Healthcare - LOGIQ™ E9 with XDclear™

Enhanced Ultrasound Guided Biopsies at Odense University Hospital, Denmark

This informative testimonial from Odense University Hospital, Denmark. The Hospital started using ultrasound for biopsies in 2012. Since then, the hospital has invested further into more LOGIQ™ E9 with XDclear™ machines to allow for more advanced examinations to take place this way for more patients. 

Odense University Hospital (OUH) is one of four university hospitals in Denmark. With more than 1.000 beds and all medical specialties represented in one place, OUH is the largest hospital in Southern Denmark.

Advanced ultrasound machines such as LOGIQ™ E9 with XDclear™ has helped these physicians assess patients faster with suspected lung cancer and perform biopsies with even greater precision than before, while being more cost efficient as well. Read the full testimonial for more information.