Assessment of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Using an Ultrasonic Stethoscope in Critically Ill Patients

Amiel & Vignon

Assessment of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Using an Ultrasonic Stethoscope in Critically Ill Patients.

Amiel & Vignon, Medical-Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Dupuytren Teaching Hospital, Limoges, France.

Assessment of cardiac function is key in the management of intensive care unit patients and frequently relies on the use of standard transthoracic echocardiography. A commercially available new generation ultrasound system with two-dimensional imaging capability, which has roughly the size of a mobile phone, is adequately suited to extend the physical examination. The primary endpoint of this study was to evaluate the additional value of this new miniaturized device used as an ultrasonic stethoscope for the determination of left ventricular systolic function, when compared to conventional clinical assessment by experienced intensivists.

In ICU patients, the extension of physical examination using an Ultrasonic Stethoscope improves the ability of trained intensivists to determine LVEF at bedside. With trained operators, the semi-quantitative assessment of LVEF using the US is accurate when compared to standard TTE.

Read the full article and results here.