How to obtain the cardiac views - FATE Cards

Focus Assessed Transthoracic Echo (FATE)

Focus Assessed Transthoracic Echocardiography (FATE) is a type of sonogram of the heart and is used in critical care for indications of emergent cardiac in order to perform a point-of-care cardiopulmonary evaluation. Abbreviated as FATE protocol, it is an effective supplementary tool which provides quick guidance to interpret echocardiography information for cardiac and critical care ultrasound. In critically ill patients, FATE protocol provides a systematic approach to the echocardiography examination and helps to guide decision making in real-time or point-of-care

Developed by Dr. Eric Sloth and his team in 1989 to identify the most favourable probe placement of cardiac positions, with the aim of assessing cardiac function. The FATE Card provides a visual reminder of probe position scanning of subcostal and parasternal views in addition to pleural scanning. The basic FATE views include: Subcostal four-chamber, Apical four-chamber, Parasternal long axis, Parasternal LV short axis and Pleural Scanning. 
Furthermore, the FATE tool includes details of advanced transthoracic echocardiography skills such as M-mode measurements of cardiac dimensions and the qualitive assessment of interactions between right and left ventricle. 

The FATE card is accessible for download here.